The Gopher Wrestling Club appreciates each and every one of its generous donors. We could not accomplish our goals without the support, involvement, and love you provide to this organization!
Gold Club monthly since 2020
Luke Becker
Ben Brancale
Trevor Brandvold
Carson Brolsma
Darin Engelby
Ryan Gerhard
Tijani Karaborni
Scott Kluever
Cole Konrad
Chris Koob
Jeff Lathrop
Jamie Nelson
Jayson Ness
John Peters
Joseph Pruitt
Ryan Sather
David Thorn
Mike Thorn
Gold Club monthly since 2021
Cody Arnold
William Eisch
Matt Everson
Jacob Filkins
Troy Gilbert
Daniel Johnson
Josh Krebs
Steve Lawrence
Bobbe Lowe
Nick Lyden
Nick Matousek
Scott Mooring
Marty Morgan
Matthew Nagel
Rolf Obey
Jennifer Robideau
Tyler Safratowich
Joe Scargill
Jason Schenkel
CP Schlatter
Cole Schmidt
Jake Short
Tammie Skatzka
Kevin Stumbo
Matt & Barb Tabor
Mike Tiedemann
Michelle Trulock
Tom Vaith
Leroy Vega
Dusty Wald
Clint Wester